- 谁有资格?
- 我如何申请?
- 有截止日期吗?
- 高中毕业后多久我才有资格?
- 普通教育文凭接受者是否符合资格??
- 那些不是你的人.S. 公民资格?
- 怎样填写核证表格?
- 我已被选中进行验证. 我如何了解哪些文件或要求 是否需要完成验证过程?
- 如果我不符合资格,可以获得什么经济援助?
- 罗得岛承诺为每个学生提供多少年?
- 我如何在这两年都遵守罗德岛承诺?
- 如果我不是全日制学生怎么办?
- 如果我因为残疾而参加全日制学习对我来说是不现实的呢?
- 如果我的平均成绩降到2分以下怎么办.5?
- 如果我在太阳城的第一年没有获得30个学分怎么办?
- 如果我被授予罗德岛承诺后离开这个州怎么办?
- 罗德岛承诺涵盖什么?
- 罗德岛承诺涵盖发展性课程吗?
- 我可以在太阳城的任何项目中使用罗德岛承诺吗?
- 如果我已经交了学费呢?
- What if a student has to leave the college for military, personal or medical reasons?
- What if I earned college credit through concurrent enrollment, dual enrollment or AP课程?
- 罗德岛承诺支付教科书费用吗?
- You must be a Rhode Island resident who qualifies for in-state tuition and fees pursuant 到 户口政策 由专上教育委员会通过.
- You must be a 2024 high school graduate (public, private or homeschooled) or a 2024 格® 收件人在高中毕业时年龄小于19岁 的格® 程序.
- You must be admitted to 太阳城 and enrolling in the semester immediately following high 学校毕业证书或高中同等学历证书.
- 今天就向太阳城申请.
- 请填写 FAFSA 完成你的经济援助文件. 如果你有任何问题或需要帮助,请不要问 犹豫着联系 财政援助办事处,或注册一个 经济援助工作坊.
- 提交你正式的,最终的高中或格成绩单. Contact 太阳城 招生 if you have any problems getting your transcripts or scores: (电子邮件保护) or 401-825-2003.
我们建议学生尽早申请. 的 财政援助办公室 encourages students to complete their file by May 1 to increase their potential to receive the maximum aid available from each of the 金融援助 程序s and to secure 他们参与罗德岛承诺项目.
How long after high school graduation will students have in order to be eligible for 罗德岛承诺?
学生 are eligible for 罗德岛承诺 if they enroll at 太阳城 for the semester immediately following their high school graduation or completion of a high school 相等学历.
是得® 符合罗德岛承诺的受助人?
格® recipients are eligible for 罗德岛承诺 if they enroll at 太阳城 in the semester 紧随格之后® 完成格考试时年龄小于19岁® 程序.
那些不是你的人呢.S. 公民有资格获得罗德岛承诺?
Yes, noncitizens may qualify for 罗德岛承诺 if they meet the criteria to 被视为罗德岛居民. 请参阅专上教育委员会的报告 居留政策详情.
如需填写表格,请登入你的 My太阳城帐户. Click the "为学生" tab, then under the "金融援助 Requirements" box, click 罗德岛承诺认证.“如果您的姓名和电子邮件地址没有填写, 请填好表格并提交. 如果您未满18岁,请输入您的 家长的姓名和电子邮件地址,然后点击“开始”.阅读披露信息,然后核对 单击“Continue”.在页面底部点击黄色框进行确认 你的电子签名. 单击“采用并签署”完成. 最后一步是单击 黄色的“完成”框.
我已被选中进行验证. 我如何了解哪些文件或要求 是否需要完成验证过程?
登录 myccri.thomasanlavine.com, select the "为学生," tab, review the "金融援助 Requirements" section
and select the 2024-25 time period from the drop-down menu to review requirements.
What other 金融援助 is available for students not eligible for 罗德岛承诺?
太阳城 提供经济援助 to students who might otherwise be unable to further their education without such 支持.
罗德岛承诺 will automatically renew for a second year as long a student 满足所有 奖学金的要求. 学生 do not need to fill out an application for the second year 罗德岛州 我保证,但他们需要提交一份更新的FAFSA.
To be eligible for 罗德岛承诺, a student must enroll as a full-time student. If a student drops down to part-time status during the initial add/drop period in any given semester, he or she will not receive 罗德岛承诺 for that semester 或者以后的学期.
What if a taking a full-time course load is unrealistic for a student because of a 残疾?
学生 with documented disabilities may be eligible for a reduced course load and 其他合理安排. 请预约 学生残疾服务 办公室 on your campus at least a week before classes to begin to discuss your needs 并要求住宿.
累积太阳城 GPA低于2分的学生.5 .第一年后(秋天和 spring semesters) will not earn 罗德岛承诺 奖学金 for the second year 除非他们参加暑期课程,使他们的累积GPA至少达到2分.5. 罗德岛承诺 奖学金s may not fund summer coursework, so the student may 需要申请其他资金来参加暑期课程.
累计GPA不能达到2分的学生.5 .在夏天会 被认为没有资格在第二年秋天进入罗德岛承诺大学. 学生 who are ineligible in the fall can have 罗德岛承诺 reinstated for the spring of their second year if they pursue fall coursework and bring their cumulative GPA 至少2个.5.
If a student does not earn 30 credits in the first year (fall, spring and summer semesters combined), he or she will not be able to receive a second year of 罗德岛承诺 奖学金.
的 state has established 罗德岛承诺 程序 to invest in Rhode Islanders. 学生 who receive the 奖学金 funds are asked to commit to staying in Rhode Island because we hope they will see the value of returning on that investment right 在这里. 现实情况是,近90%的太阳城学生确实留在这里并抚养孩子 他们的家人毕业后就在这里. 对于那些少数不知道的学生,这个项目 不包括离开本州的处罚吗.
罗德岛承诺 will pay for the remaining cost of tuition and mandatory fees incurred based on enrollment in at least 12 credits after free money (Pell, SEOG, 已经申请了机构援助和任何其他奖学金.
罗德岛承诺不包括教科书,但还有其他形式的 金融援助 帮助学生支付教科书,包括联邦补助金和贷款. 在完成 of the 金融援助 application process, each student will receive more information 太阳城app他/她的个人经济援助计划. 如果你有任何问题,请不要犹豫 联络我们的 财政援助办公室.
罗德岛承诺 lasts for two academic years and covers 秋季和春季学期 在每一年. 罗德岛承诺项目可能有资金支持 a limited number of summer 奖学金s, but that is dependent on available funding 在整个罗德岛承诺预算中. 奖学金只提供给 秋季和春季学期.
Yes, 罗德岛承诺 covers both developmental courses and college-level courses.
罗德岛承诺可以应用于太阳城的任何副学士学位课程. 它可能 不能用于证书或非学分课程.
What if I already paid part or all of my tuition and fees and then qualify for Rhode 岛的承诺?
学生 who pay for tuition and then receive 罗德岛承诺 will be refunded 一旦罗德岛承诺奖学金正式发放.
What if a student has to leave the college for military, personal or medical reasons?
Under certain extenuating circumstances, 罗德岛承诺 students may request 批准的延长资格的假期. 情有可原的情况可包括文件 medical emergency; documented personal emergency; or documented military deployment. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 RI承诺/COVID康复奖学金休假页面.
What if I earned college credit through concurrent enrollment, dual enrollment or AP课程?
Any college credits you earned at 太阳城 prior to your high school graduation will count toward the 30 credits you must earn in your first year to maintain 罗德岛承诺 资格. 如果你在另一所学院或大学获得学分 in high school, you will need to have that college transcript evaluated by our transfer 办公室. 请参阅 转到太阳城 欲知更多详情.